Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Crap Shooter

My main "blog writing" time has been occupied with theatre work (here's a clip) for the past few months.

In the gaps (and during the show!), I've been putting together workshop materials which I am going to begin presenting for The Song Room among others. I am working on 20+ different titles under the broad heading of "noise sound music".

The challenges I have set myself:
(1) no music "theory" or crotchets/quavers
(2) no clapping games
(3) no (un)tuned percussion or recorders
(4) no nursery rhymes or kiddie/animal songs
(5) no music that isn't ours

Everything will be recorded (..some recorders allowed!). Workshop titles include: Our Space, Dream Orchestra, Lips and Tubes, The Trance, Noise Pollution, and Code Breaking.

I am reading R Murray Schafer and Keith Johnstone, and will begin posting summaries and follow ups of the workshops as they occur.
I would be very happy to hear feedback, ideas and experiences on (non-traditional / effective ways of) introducing music and sound to (young) people.