I’ve just bought a beautiful, expensive, wonderfully designed mop with matching sturdy plastic “clamping” foot operated bucket (despite being an obsessive cleaner, I don’t know the mop/bucket equipment jargon…yet).
Before the floor mopping operation there is a general sweep with a nice wide-headed-bristled yard broom. The treasures, once herded together into piles, are encouraged into the bin with the help of a sleek brush and pan, whereby the brush has a revolutionary rubber flap embedded in the bristles. This means that nothing escapes.
The mopping itself is a pleasure (recommended cleaning solution: Grön Såpa - click the picture to enlarge) and dries very quickly. Rinse mop well, and leave it to air outside.
The whole process involves little more sweat than a superficial vacuum, but the results are far superior. You can feel a clean floor with your feet.
When computers started getting fast enough to start doing "the music thing" properly, a friend and I in Germany spoke about whether to go down that track or not. The usual arguments and questions. It’s expensive, you have to keep upgrading, does it really save time?, the brass sounds are crap, etc.
Carol A introduced me to the Tools and Materials Metaphor, which I selfishly applied to justify my computer greed. I bought a Powerbook 3400. Ingolf B got a grand piano, wad of manuscript paper, and a nice sharpened lead pencil.
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